Together we raised $36,216.09!

Thank you to our generous community of brave Plungers for helping to make the 24th Annual Atlantic Plunge a success.

The money raised by the 24th Annual Atlantic Plunge helps ensure survivors can access free, critical services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from Caring Unlimited, York County’s sole domestic violence resource center.

Fundraise for a chance to win! 

All Atlantic Plunge registrants entered into a raffle for an Allagash Brewing gift pack!

Fundraise at least $200 for a chance to win:

4 Maine Mariners tickets

A self care basket donated by the creative soul and beedandy

Share your personal fundraising page on social media or with co-workers, friends, and family to help raise money for Caring Unlimited’s programs and services! You will receive the link to your personal fundraising page upon registration.

Or, download a pledge collection sheet to print out and hang up in your workplace or send to friends and family.

Sponsorship opportunities available! Email to learn more.

Thank you 2025 sponsors!


Want to become a sponsor?

Support Caring Unlimited as a sponsor for the Annual Atlantic Plunge!

Four levels of sponsorship:

$3000 Arctic Level

$1000 Glacial Level

$500 Frosty Level

$250 Chill Level

For questions about the Atlantic Plunge, or to become a 2026 Event Sponsor: