Orders of Protection
Caring Unlimited (CU) advocates are available to answer questions and help you understand your options. To speak with an advocate call: 1-800-239-7298 (24hrs, Interpreters available).
Orders of Protection: an order of Protection from Abuse (PFA) or Protection from Harassment (PFH) may help increase your safety.
We know the court process can be intimidating and confusing. This guide is meant to answer basic questions to help you feel prepared if you decide to file for an order of protection.
CU Advocates are also available to provide assistance during this process.
What is a PFA?
A PFA is a civil court order that tells the defendant (person who used violence, made threats, or caused harm) to stop using abuse and/or to stay away from the plaintiff (person asking for protection).
Who can get a PFA?
You can file for a PFA against a family member, present or former spouse, household member, current or former dating partner, or parent of your child who has abused you, or anyone (even if you aren’t related or in a relationship) who sexually assaulted, stalked, threatened you with private images, or forced you into sex trafficking.
Minors (under 18)
A parent or guardian can file a PFA on behalf of a minor. You may also include your children on your application if the order you need is for both you and your child(ren).
Ages 60+ or dependent adults
You can also file a PFA against any extended family member or unpaid care provider who has abused you.
What is a PFH?
A PFH is also a civil court order that tells the defendant to stop using abuse and/or to stay away from the plaintiff. If none of the relationships or situations described above are present and you are being harassed, you may file for a PFH.
Do I need a lawyer?
No, you do not need a lawyer. You have the right to go to the court and request an application for a PFA (or PFH) from the Clerk.
How much will it cost?
There are no fees to file a PFA. There may be fees to file a PFH.
Where do I file?
File in person at the courthouse (in the county where you live): The York Judicial Center is located at 515 Elm St., Biddeford. If you are unable to file in person you can file by email (see link below).
What will happen when I file?
A Judge will review your completed forms and may speak with you in person or over the phone if they have questions. The clerk will schedule a final hearing within 3 weeks. If a temporary order is granted the clerk will arrange for police to serve the defendant with the order. The temporary order will become effective once served.
The State of Maine Judicial Branch also has information online, including downloadable PFA forms, instructions to file by email, important court information, and more.
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